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Nfinity: Wiping Out the Competition


Nfinity is a household name in the world of competitive cheerleading; its shoes are to cheer what Nike sneakers are to basketball. When they came to us, the company was already raking in between $100K and $300K a month in sales on Amazon, but they knew they could fly higher, and wanted our help reaching their potential. We determined the key to Nfinity dominating in eCommerce was wiping out the competition, which in this case meant blocking unauthorized resellers from listing Nfinity products on Amazon. Resellers were shipping defective and counterfeit items to customers, and frequently offering them at a lower price, which was causing Nfinity to lose control of the Buy Box. Additionally, resellers were negatively impacting the perception of the Nfinity brand, which, in turn, was negatively impacting sales both on and off Amazon.


Increase in Sales YOY


Unauthorized Resellers Eliminated


Increase in Units Sold


Flying Higher on Amazon

Isolating unauthorized Nfinity resellers was no easy feat, but FME nevertheless managed to successfully block all unauthorized resellers, and helped to enforce MAP agreements with others. This move helped Nfinity regain control of the price of their products, their reputation, and the content of their listings. 

Next, FME optimized the product pages for Nfinity’s three most popular products — the Flyte stunt shoe, Vengeance cheer shoe and branded backpack — using keywords with a verifiable ability to elicit impressions and conversions. This ensured that the products were brought to the niche audience that would purchase these goods. FME also created dynamic A+ content for select product pages to add a visual element to them that would provide more information about the Nfinity brand. Lastly, we organized Nfinity’s catalog into color and size variations to facilitate a better shopping experience for consumers.

Leaving it to the Pros

Finding success on Amazon is difficult. That’s why even a well-known established brand like Nfinity needed our help. FME’s hands-on, customized approach, which entailed blocking all unauthorized resellers, optimizing product listings, adding A+ content to product pages and organizing the catalog, helped Nfinity achieve an astounding $2.5M increase in year-over-year sales and a 430% increase in total units sold. Go team!

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foun·tain·head noun, an original source of something.

We fuse the art of sales with science.

To win at eCommerce, Amazon or traditional, a seller needs both intuitive understanding of buyer behavior and application of complex mathematics. People skills can only get you so far. Numbers express exactly the how, what, when, and where of buyer behavior. It’s our job to interpret these numbers using calculus and experience to answer who the customers are and why they buy. Once we define and understand the audience, we can target and sell to them with scope and precision.

We aren’t freelancers. We’re a team of the best eCommerce minds in the industry. Our expert full-service Amazon account managers, online marketers, UX/UI specialists, and full-stack developers will serve your needs with cohesive, data-driven strategy and unparalleled technique.